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第99章 赛伦斯克

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"I'm tired!"

He felt that he had found life again, and Kuro Daishiro felt a great relief, as if he was safe again.

It is full gift from angels and good news from gods.

"I said."

Oshikushikuro is happy as a newborn, but for others it is a plete nightmare.

Otisukuro was revived and finally regained his memory and consciousness.

In doing so, it's important to remember who the girl is that caught Kuro's eye.

Similarly, you can predict what someone will do.

"This is my lunch, so why did you eat it all?"

The sound became more frightening, and a large shape began to appear.

He immediately cried like a child.

Mr. has a headache. Kuro and very worried.

The opponent's scream had no special magical power, but it was enough to break the spirit of the clan.

There is a reason for all this: Chrollo is not good at dealing with children's problems.

As long as you don't cry or get confused, it's okay.

But it's horrible when he cries or bees a big mess, because Kuro has nothing to do with it.

He didn't know how to change something like that.

So Kuro-san is unemployed now.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm sorry, don't cry!"

"Are you not an adult? Why are you crying like a child?"

There was no way for Ninguro, he couldn't do it.

Neither the power of the ear nor the power of words, Kuro has no power.

"Sister Aria, please stop crying, even if you cry, I can't do it. I don't even have money to buy groceries."

Kuro would rather use real words than say nice words in a false space - of course, because he knows that even if the person in front of him says nice words, it won't work. That would be really bad.

Because in front of him was not a little girl like her, but a big witch.

He is different from Kuro, who dropped out of Miskatonic University after meeting Wilbur Whatley and became disillusioned with magic and divine control.



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