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第55章 恩卡图尔

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His wife and children then asked him to open the door. Huang Zheng-do felt a little scared, but he still opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Huang Zhengdao saw Ji Jian, who had no human form and was formed into a lake of flesh and blood, standing outside the door with a severed face and a strange smile. I saw you there.

Huang Zheng-do didn't care what the other person said. He was already scared and crying on the spot.

In fact, Huang Zheng-do also suddenly woke up. I got out of bed in a cold sweat and woke up at 11am the next morning.

“Damn, what kind of ghost did you dream about?” Huang Zhengdao grumbled and wiped his forehead with his hand, which quickly became wet.

This amazing amount of sweat.

Huang Zhengdo shook his collar and felt a little warm. When he looked up, he realized with dismay that he had forgotten to turn on the air conditioner.

When I got home, I was so sleepy that I pletely forgot to turn on the air conditioner to sleep in the middle of summer.

I quickly turned on the air conditioner, went to the closet to get some dry clothes, and headed to the bathroom.

I had to take a shower now. Sleeping in sweaty clothes was unfortable and made me more likely to catch a cold.

However, after taking a bath and changing his clothes, Huang Zhengdao felt a little disappointed that he was so energetic now that he couldn't sleep at all.

Insomnia began to bother him again.

Even if you don't have to go to work tomorrow, insomnia doesn't happen every day or two. Even if you continue like this and can't sleep normally on Sunday nights, you'll still have problems.

Considering this, Huang Zheng-do felt that he needed to see a doctor, and also looked for ways to help him sleep.

After this thought, Huang Zhengdao called the internal medicine department of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital at night, searched for information about sleep aids on the Internet, and noticed related videos and "sleep aid sounds".



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站内强推全职法师 天官赐福 手上呲了一泡尿,鱼炸窝了 千亿大佬的婚后人生 斯莱特林的哑炮之子 咸鱼美妾超好孕,糙汉将军日日宠 桃源绝世医神 虫族在晶壁系世界 神医下山 诛天劫 中二宝可大师梦 退队后,她们倒追而来 快穿之娇妻 这个世界有大可怖 女尊快穿之妻主是个宠夫狂 特工王座 宠后作死日常 大晋:我真不是天命之子 重生另嫁小叔,夫妻联手虐渣 都市透视医仙 
经典收藏天牢签到二十年,我举世无敌 人在港综,你管这叫卧底? 吞噬星空之复制成神 洪荒:我为伯邑考,阐教助我争龙 弹指葬苍生,系统让我概念无敌 斗罗之光耀天使重塑世界 混迹在电影世界 港综诸天邪神 镇守藏经阁百年,投资天命反派 让你穿成通天,你把洪荒崩坏了? 最强融合传说 开局拜错峰,原来我炼丹就无敌? 养生武圣:从泡脚开始 尸王争夺战 龙王传说之太虚传 后灵时代 凌峰重生六界任遨游 清冷师尊他命里犯剑 洪荒开局,灵宝伴生 仙道邪君 
最近更新通天夜尊 我,极阳生蚝,苟在截教当大佬 无上帝族独苗,这你也敢退婚? 镇妖百年被驱逐,我离开了你们哭什么 河海跃行 凡人:别人修仙,我练武种田 人生模拟:我家娘子竟然成真了 逼我入魔?我当反派后你们慌什么 一代神帝的养成之路 九炼成圣 开局召唤吕布,华夏名将横扫诸天 战,天帝 快穿:这就是生命多的力量 我一太监,绑定多子多福系统? 巨型生长的野蛋 无敌摆烂仙 红警帝国之修罗神王 逼我挖骨废修,我选择成为万古仙帝 叫我魔主 丹道天赋为零?可我有气运加持啊 
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