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大家在看绝世神皇 斗罗:我就是域外天魔 神魂武尊 永劫无间:无极锦衣 诡秘:灾祸 玄门妖王 高武:模拟修仙,开局震惊学院 超越狂暴升级 逆天剑修 天啊!我变成了龟 
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第11章 被遗忘者的低语

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"Oh, our ships always go astray at critical moments, isn't it strange that this happened by accident? Don't you suspect a conspiracy?"

Andrews shrugged, "We don't know who's in charge of all of this. It could be our enemies, it could be crazy...but it won't harm us. "For now, I think so."

James looked at him in surprise and laughed.

"You say we're so lucky!"

Andrews smiled, but his face suddenly hardened. He saw a truck hit him in the distance. All of a sudden, a racing car sped up and jerked the steering wheel. At that moment, he noticed that James's face was pale and his legs were shaking.

"James…James!" Andrews shouted urgently. "Don't panic, James, get behind the wheel and accelerate our car!"

"Oh my God!" James shouted in terror. “It’s cool… leave me alone!”

Andrews gritted his teeth and suddenly ran towards the truck.

Both started running at high speed. As the truck passed, James suddenly let go of the steering wheel and threw himself into the passenger partment, pushing Andrews out. The truck went over Andrew's clothes and hit the curb.

"Shield!" The car rolled several meters before ending up in the icy sea. A strong wave immediately engulfed Andrew.

James was amazed. He cursed as he held his arms up to steady himself. But the only water around him is the beach. He could only see the boat drift away slowly and disappear into the sea. I could only shiver in the cold water above the surface of the ocean.

Before she died, all that was left in her mind was, "I don't want to live in a fish's belly!"

Once safely in bed, James was shivering on his knees in the wet sand. I tried hard to remember the horrible images I had seen in my dreams. In his dream, he was held captive by a huge and ferocious turtle. His body was full of pain and struggle, and the whole world was red with blood.



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