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第99章 《苏东坡传》片段

One might say that Su Tungpo was an incorrigible optimist, a great humanitarian, a friend of the people, a prose master, an original painter, a great calligraphist, an experimenter in wine making, an engineer, a hater of puritanism, a yogi, a Buddhist believer, a Confucian statesman, a secretary to the emperor, a confirmed winebibber, a humane judge, a dissenter in politics, a prowler in the moonlight, a poet, and a wag.


② I can perhaps best sum it up by saying that the mention of Su Tungpo always elicits an affectionate and warm admiring smile in China.


③ the poems and essays he wrote on the inspiration of the moment or in criticism of something he disliked were the natural outpourings of his heart instinctive and impetuous, like“the bird’s song in spring and the cricket's chirp in autumn”, as he put it once; or again they may be likened to the“cries of monkeys in the jungle or of the storks in high heaven, unaware of the human listeners below”.


④ Always deeply involved in politics, he was always greater than politics. Without guile and without purpose, he went along singing, posing, and criticising, purely to express something he felt in his heart, regardless of what might be the consequences for himself.


⑤ From his writings shines forth a personality vivid and vigorous, playful or solemn, as the occasion may be, but always genuine, hearty, and true to himself. He wrote for no other reason than that he enjoyed writing, and today we enjoy his writing for no other reason than that he wrote so beautifully, generously, and out of the pristine innocence of his heart.



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站内强推全职法师 重生另嫁小叔,夫妻联手虐渣 九龙拉棺 妖神记 东瀛怪谈创造时 末世重生之带娃修行 我的信息修仙人生 在幻想乡的日子 吞噬星空之复制成神 首辅大人后悔了,我已宠冠六宫 乡野神医俏村花 菜刀通天 冰雪奇缘生命之义 神兽缔造师 卸甲将军寡妇妻 斗罗之光耀天使重塑世界 金山蝴蝶 宠后作死日常 厄难天书 科幻战争:我在末日后参军 
经典收藏魔道祖师 从斗罗开始布局 四合院:我的穿越为啥这么陋 影视世界之岁月流金 港综:无间道卧底?我不当人了! 真不想剧透 港综世界的炼金术师 影视世界的逍遥人生 从光字片开始的影视诸天 从时间停止开始纵横诸天 影视:流窜在诸天的收集员 我的念力实在太均衡了 狐仙决 胜利的美食 漫威:炉石不能氪金,但我能氪命 人在斗罗,开局觉醒时间零 南理诗选 斗破诸天:吾乃萧玄 鬼寓 斗罗:开局神位九考降临 
最近更新开心宝贝之灵嘟岛传奇 少爷你冷静,我真是正经陪读啊! 蔚蓝档案重新的故事 盗墓:论万人迷和白月光的适配性 前男友天天盼着我破产 学长给个机会 战锤:毁灭之刃 四合院:小郎中的女角收集院 穿越逃荒淘到白月光 水浒人传 重生从40年代开始 黑神话入侵:传承黑猴吊打一切天骄 综漫观影:无职JOJORE0 狐妖小红娘之未来之约 原来你也喜欢我呀,早说呀! 无人不知 断命天师:将军独宠小命师 江湖再见啦 江澄重生后 重回末日前,我躺赢摆烂! 
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