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第104章 燃烧的人鱼

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But the soothing solace was fleeting, and the tears soon turned into steam. Then the flame of my body rekindled...

“Put her out! Let her go out!!!!! Let her go out!!!-“ at the top of waves roar on the rampage in the days of iron door, steel door is the most magic HSS roar burst open again and again, and again and again before he got the gate shuts.

And huge door shutting tore his voice was broken:“yan ping, you must survive! I'll think of some way to save you! Xin ping, you must be strong to survive! My 18th birthday that day, will certainly to marry you! Xin ping, don't give up!...“ The voice was weeping, bleeding...

I looked at the heartbreaking eyes, listening to the sound of the blood, feeling than moonlight sword around his neck, arrow stuck in the sun, the sun of the flame burning in the body and heart, also sad, I cry in a low voice:

“Evergreen, you rest assured that I will be strong to survive, I'll think of some way to save his life. If I can live to be 18 years old birthday that day, you must marry you, will marry you!...“

Evergreen today just 17 years old, 18 years of age and for a whole year, I couldn't live without water, is by moonlight sword rack neck, arrow stabbed by sun, is the flame of burning sun, despite the heaven clothes for protection, May Day clothes can't pull me the arrow of the sun, can't put out the fire of the sun. Can only be annihilated me evergreen tears and blood of the fire of the sun, but after the flame went out of the sun, soon will be renewed, continues to threaten my life... I might not even live tomorrow.

“You can live! You will be able to live! I will always keep in the door with you, with my blood and tears again and again will you flame of the sun.““Said the evergreen tearfully.

“Do not!-- I will not save you with your blood and tears. I would rather be burned than you shed a drop of blood.“'I cried, thinking I was dead.



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