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大家在看花与剑与法兰西 教科书式宠爱 [重生] 无赖首长缠上身:娇妻欠管教 方宅十余亩[系统]. 极品修真强少 绿茵射手 当神威穿成宇智波. 重生拳坛霸主 额娘带我去夺嫡[清穿] 我的极品娇妻 
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第98章 母亲节,怀了6个娃

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I'm anxious to know the following story.

But, at that moment, a veterinarian came over and said to doug.

“Edamame, your dog's done. He broke three ribs and went back to take good care of it. He must take his medicine on time.

The two beans came out of his love story.

Two beans take out a business card, hand me:“I want to go, after, if need me to help, make a phone call, or send a WeChat, I will try my best to help you.“

Although I like to solve my own problems, I don't like to bother others, but, I think the two beans is a heavy love of a good man, to make a friend is also good. So, I happily accepted the card of two beans, put it in the pocket of clothes.

Then, I produced a kind of impulse, want to use magic to help two beans grow full hands, but, instead, he and I first met, with magic, it's not reasonable, so I just forget about it.

I watched him hug his dog and left the rabbit house pet hospital.

By this time the sun had set, and the pink sunset was soon swallowed by the darkness.

The head of the rabbit had been lying in the emergency room for a long time, not knowing whether the vet had saved the bandit chief. I hurried to the door of the emergency room. I put my ear to the door and listened to the emergency room.

The door of the emergency room suddenly opened, listening to me, suddenly losing balance, a stumbling fall at the foot of a vet.

The vet was startled and jumped back.

When I got up from the ground, I came to the vet and said,“I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Sister bunny, how is it now?“

“Sister?-- this little bunny is going to be a mother. You call her sister?“

“What?!“I couldn't believe my ears. I pointed to the head of the rabbit in the hospital bed, who was lying in a a, and asked,“ doctor, you just said, she -- she's going to be a mother?--“



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