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大家在看娇华 表妹万福 祝融,你也重生了 清宫:皇上宠妻日常 神医王妃有点飘 嫡枝为上 被迫冲喜后,她成了权臣掌中宝 清穿之娴妃升级记 农家有女是个宝 回到过去变成猫 
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第50章 给林天娇写信

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“Jiaojiao, do you know how difficult my days have been lately? Qin Mama constantly teases me in my ear, saying that Nangong Hanlin treats me differently from other women. I almost vomited when I heard this. Nangong Hanlin even slept with another woman yesterday, and Qin Mama specifically told me that he favored another woman. I couldn't even be happy enough‘ I wish he wouldn't pay attention to me for the rest of his life. I also heard about your heroic killing of enemies today, and I regret it. In modern times, I should have learned swordsmanship and martial arts with you. If I had known, I wouldn't have chosen swimming and diving. Last time I ran away, I was caught hiding in the water.”

“Can you first help me think about how to escape as soon as possible, or help me get some contraceptive pills in? I have people from Nangong Hanlin all over me, and they won't help me. I can only rely on you‘ Jiaojiao, I also want to apologize to you. Yesterday, I didn't consider from your perspective. Today, when Qin Mama asked me to give birth to a child for Nangong Hanlin, I felt disgusted just thinking about it. At that time, I was only watching you run with the ball, which must have been very cool, but I didn't respect your own thoughts, so……”

Whether or not to have a child, don't listen to me, and don't be influenced by my words yesterday. You make your own choices, and you are always acmodating and accepting of me. In the future, I will also learn to speak for you from your perspective.



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