Helene, he knew, would probably insist on going over every square inch of the place with a magnifying glass.
The two sides of the McClane estate that bordered on the street were bounded by a high grillwork fence. Jake walked along it until at last he came to a small service gate that was unlocked, in spite of the fact that the house was closed up for the winter.
He went in, closing the gate behind him, and stood wondering where to go first. Ahead of him, a wide, dazzling expanse of unbroken white swept up to a little rise in the ground, where the house stood, a massive, gray-stone affair, pleasantly softened by the drifted snow. The trees around it were bare and leafless; here and there heaps of discolored snow indicated the location of shrubs and bushes.
As far as he could tell, no one had been here for weeks. A narrow path, showing faintly through the snow, led along the side of the iron fence, and he followed it, looking for any indication he might find of some recent visitor. There was none. The path finally passed through a little clump of trees, and Jake found himself confronted with a high stone wall that separated the McClane estate from the one immediately south of it.
杰克记起来了,那应该是文宁家的地方。他沿着墙边走,直到来到一扇嵌在石头里的小铁门处。门没锁。他犹豫了一下,然后推开门,出于一种突然而又无法解释的冲动,走进了文宁家的院子。他记得文宁一家当时和莫娜?麦克莱恩一起呆在城里,而且在那两起谋杀案发生时 —— 不只是他知道的那两起,还有他想查清楚的那一起 —— 他们都是那家人中的成员。
That would be the Venning place, Jake remembered. He followed the path along the wall until he reached a small iron gate set in the stone. It was unlatched. He hesitated a moment, then pushed it open and entered the Venning grounds, on a sudden, unexplainable impulse. He remembered that the Vennings were staying in town with Mona McClane and had been members of the household at the time of the murders—not only the two murders he knew about, but the one he wanted to find out about.