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第3章 穷人和社会底层人士感染源容易得这种疾病

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As the research progressed, it became apparent that a high number of cases originated from a particular district in the town. Dr. Zhang and his team decided to focus their attention on this area. They conducted extensive door-to-door surveys, educating residents about the disease and offering free testing and treatment services.

During the surveys, they stumbled upon an unconventional couple, Mr. Li and Ms. Wang, who had been infected with syphilis. Dr. Zhang and his team took the opportunity to interview them, trying to understand how they contracted the disease.

To their surprise, Mr. Li and Ms. Wang were both victims of a contaminated beauty salon. They had recently visited the salon for a facial treatment and unknowingly contracted syphilis from contaminated equipment. This provided a crucial clue in the search for the source of the mutated bacteria.

The researchers immediately inspected the beauty salon and discovered poor hygiene practices. The salon used equipment that had not been properly sterilized, leading to the transmission of the bacteria. The health officials closed down the salon and launched an investigation into its practices.

With this breakthrough, the team was able to inform the munity about the source of the mutated bacteria and the importance of personal hygiene. They emphasized the need to follow proper sterilization techniques in beauty salons, spas, and medical facilities to prevent the spread of infections.

The news spread rapidly throughout the town, causing an uproar among the residents. Many individuals came forward for testing and treatment, taking the necessary steps to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The local government, upon learning about the findings, passed stricter regulations regarding hygiene practices in beauty salons and medical facilities. They also increased funding for public health campaigns and educational programs to raise awareness about sexually transmitted infections.



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