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is too weak to be noticed. How are you going to kill a voice? Pan Shuyu and He Ru both lived in the loft assigned to Yu Zhe. Yu Zhe also stayed here at night and did not return to Huohai Building. "

Yaozi did not argue with Qin Anzai and directly told the correct answer. Fortunately, different players can't see each other's levels, otherwise Yang Guo would be surprised.

Brother, next time there is good news, please share it. But also because of this, I judged that Beidou and Qin Bing were mutants. Their total number is almost 7,000, which means that this is a BOSS battle with ten thousand people, and its scale is almost as large as that of the later BOSS. "

Although there is still nearly a day left before the mission starts, Liu Mingyu cannot wait until a day later to consider it.

When they first met, Weng Die was still bored with him! The opponent's strength is too strong and they will kill these players in one go!

It is precisely because of this plexity that if you are not careful, you will be used by others and bee a weapon for someone to fight for world domination. If the monster map is so dangerous, why go there?


Yes, why do you think so much?

Because the shooting techniques are different, all scenes are shot in the virtual world. You can shoot any kind of scene you want, and the fee used is only a nominal fee. "

"Wutong Base? Hey, you look so tired. Are you already hungry?

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen the child, because I just came here.

Based on previous lottery experience, the chance of getting something good is really very small. I also hope that one day, I can join you in the top ten of Buzhouwei.

At this level, Liu Mingyu has been stuck for a very long time. "

Naturally, Xiao Huihui will not give it a chance. The latter is waiting for the weak period of its evolution, trying to swallow Xiao Huihui in one fell swoop to break through! Help!



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