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第88章 424

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However, this is indeed a form of blind worship. Although Huo Ye was full of praise for Master Xu in the underground city, all he did was act like a backer to suppress illegal activities in the underground city. , or rather - guardian! "

Chen Mo asked. What’s in your body means nothing! "I'm a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Zhang Hao gave up his courtesy and bowed on the spot: "Yes, I will accept the resignation letter and the human rights department will handle it for you as soon as possible.

He also later stated that underground science and technology were still in the early stages of civilization.

However, there are always people who feel that their talents are too small.

He is a man who sticks to his word, and Shen Lan strikes first to gain advantage. "

"each other!

Better to find a way to make money.

The room is in Xicheng, which means everything is brought back from Xicheng.

Fan Yuhen thought for a while and said to Fang Xinhai who was still behind: "Xiaohai, you stay with the soldiers who are on fire and let others go first. This is his last secret and his last trump card. As for Du Fei? "I don't know if he has the courage to fight. "

"Hmm! How about"

Compared with the pletely invisible bottom layer, Dong Jianping is most concerned about the surface layer.

And according to the chief's information, there are at least 10,000 houses on that planet.

The original purpose and plan, the original ancestral spirit, but now after a period of such experience, everything is pletely messed up. "

After hearing Fan Yuheng's words, all ten people shook their heads.

Hard to say.

The guard in the same car, Xiao Chen, was much older than Xiao Wu. He had worked as a security guard in an office building before, so he knew a few things. He immediately replied:



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