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第88章 424

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It is not an honor for us to do the job of chief.

But the pany that said the project was Xingchen Group, which means there are forty or forty panies in total.

In the forest not far away, a cheerful figure was walking in the dense forest, with human sadness in his bright eyes.

Even though these sheep have been banished since birth, they are amazing animals.

This is an extremely low altitude, only 15,000 kilometers. Liu Mingyu finally chose a more suitable place.

Less than an hour after issuing the intention to cooperate, Zhao Qinsong received a clear reply from Qin Province. Yes, after saying so much, it’s strange that they believe you! As you know, our pany's pensation packages have always been well known, and we've always been generous.

Zhao Jilian did not answer immediately, but asked: "Let's talk about this first, and then talk about the power source of the electric hammer you are looking for."

Then others woke up and immediately ran to inform others.

But it took Liu Mingyu another month to translate this sentence to Bo Lanxin.

Everything became unpredictable after that, and the traces of the Thunder Hammer could be seen as far away as the Tower of Babel. "

Is #Qaidam Port really the best choice for building an elevator?

In addition, family members who voluntarily choose to leave the place of migration will not be registered.

Wang Huairu slowly arrived at the Babel Tower area with about 30,000 people.

The lower the number, the worse the restriction.

This seems to be a better option if it is close to a city, but it will also affect the development of surrounding cities.

In addition, Feitian was born under his mother star, so Xiaoxiao has less knowledge than Feiyun. "

"How did you know?

Isn't this exciting enough?

"Haha, it seems that we still need to go to the local area to investigate. If it is just a guess, there is no way to know the true meaning of the other party in Hanhu."



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