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第20章 4

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Pang Kongyue also paid special attention to the condition of the inner walls of the pyramid during the attack.

But Aoyang followed him and circled around the city center. The city center at night can be really dangerous. As a mutant species, you can eat mutant fish and turn into a zombie! However, it can be seen from his breathing that this person is definitely a fourthlevel shapeshifter, and there is no way to say what abilities he has.

Wang Yongjian smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Chen Yingxi turned to look at Liu Xing and exclaimed. I'll give them some broth. They'll be fine."

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he nodded to the waiter. "."

Zhong Hanyu stretched out his warm hand and placed it on the back of Yu Chaomu's neck, brought her beautiful face in front of him, and sighed softly:

"Bad girl, do you want to give you a heart? What is this? I will take you forward together in these two days, so! This ship will dock under Yuzhe's sole supervision. Specifically, private issue escort mission It will end, and new people will take over new special missions." It will begin, and that ship will sail to a new dock.

The surrounding steel platform has not yet been pletely removed.

"Seven men all take the plunge to see if they can find a way to break the spell."

“Also, the battle group and battalion mander in the front seem to be able to engage in a twoonone battle!

Since there is no limit to the number of lowlevel zombies, it will take a long time to upgrade simply by relying on highlevel zombies to trigger highlevel tasks.

"There are currently four powerful organizations in the world, ranked by strength: one is the United States Coalition Forces, the second is the European Coalition Forces, and the fourth is the United States Coalition Forces." The third is the Chinese Military Commission; the fourth is Australia and its allies. strength.



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