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SEED 小橘子要当种子选手

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第54章 SEED 小橘子要当种子选手

Life for Britons in care homes is still full of restrictions

Campaigners argue that residents need more human contact.

No group suffered more during the pandemic than care-home residents.

Figures for England produced by the Office for National Statistics show that just over 45,000 residents have died after contracting covid-19 since the pandemic took hold in March 2020.

A group that prises fewer than one in every 100 people bore more than one in four covid deaths.

They also suffered disproportionately from measures designed to protect them and the wider public from covid-19. Residents have regularly been prevented from seeing family and friends for weeks or months at a time. Many of the victims died alone.



1、residents 居民

2、figures 数字


The government has already been taken to task for the death toll.

On April 27th the High Court ruled that the transfer of asymptomatic patients from hospitals into care homes in the early days of the pandemic, seeding infections that then spread rapidly, was unlawful.

The government

failed to take into account the highly relevant consideration of the risk to elderly and vulnerable residents from asymptomatic transmission

the justices wrote. Deaths from covid-19 have eased as vaccination rates have climbed.

But the issue of restrictions has not gone away.

As Britain was opening back up in January, Sajid Javid, the health secretary, said care homes should

do everything they can to bring visitors back.

The government scrapped its guidance for homes entirely in April. But in many cases restrictions blocking residents from human contact remain.



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