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大家在看穿越吧,诸天 从黑袍纠察队开始诸天无敌 在酒厂当混子的那些年 在AZ地球建立人革联 斗破:从迎娶美杜莎开始 荒岛求生之征服 因为怕死只好多谈几次恋爱了 人在斗罗,开局神位换老婆 快穿之娇妻 诸天从欢乐颂开始 
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第二百四十五章 活着

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In the past, I might have assumed that most of it was true, but lately, more and more celebrities have been trying to fabricate fake lawyer's letters or other documents to confuse the public, and by doing so, they are avoiding their share of responsibility. I would call this current phenomenon the distortion of information on the internet.


Would you like to be a famous person in the news?


I don't want to be a celebrity who will often be recorded in the news, which means I won't have free time to myself and have to watch what I say and do all the time. Even though I've had great success, the influence and pressure of being a public figure is immense and I just want to be a normal person!



Do you prefer to save money or spend money?


Saving and spending money are both pleasurable things to do, but most of the time I prefer to see something I like better, save for it, and then spend it when the amount reaches a standard! It's a satisfying feeling from the inside out, not only because you're getting what you want, but also because you're experiencing a sense of fulfilment as you gradually reach your goal.


How do you save money?


I've seen people online who take their entire salary out of their bank card and turn it into cash, and then put it into different bags to differentiate between the money they need to spend and the money they need to save. Personally, all I need to do to save money is to transfer some of it from my WeChat wallet to a card that I don't normally use.



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站内强推全职法师 九龙拉棺 东瀛怪谈创造时 斯莱特林的哑炮之子 末世重生之带娃修行 在幻想乡的日子 我变成野比大雄啦 腰软娇娇超好孕,被绝嗣暴君逼嫁 女主别哭,玩完就把男主们还你 从零开始不做魔王 爽帝:从高平陵事变开始逆袭 斗罗,我是魂导师 假面:我继承了门矢士的能力 史上最强炼气期 斗罗之光耀天使重塑世界 精灵:开局捡到重生伊布 穿越吧,诸天 宝鉴 夜的命名术 科幻战争:我在末日后参军 
经典收藏魔道祖师 斗罗:我唐三这一世要娶千仞雪 疯了吧,你管这叫检察官 诸天:从小欢喜当爹开始 影视诸天从知否开始 影视世界神探从卧底开始 从人世间开始穿越 木叶:从精炼龙族血统开始 原神之命运的归宿 木叶之无敌雷神 静静的你的爱 吞噬星空开分身 神奇宝贝神宠训练家 初代目,是我! 权御天下GL 阳寿已欠费 女尊:自由之翼 请做我的伙伴吧 我的30我做主 当过救世主死后重生的我超谨慎 
最近更新暗区突围:淘金者 开局废了四合院,扛着猎枪去下乡 误穿生子文的直男,逆袭日记! 原神:从零到零的团雀升职之路 拿瓦:开局攻略马灵灵 少爷你冷静,我真是正经陪读啊! 蔚蓝档案重新的故事 快穿之偏执宠爱 盗墓:论万人迷和白月光的适配性 快穿:只想长生的宿主被迫恋爱 学长给个机会 战锤:毁灭之刃 中国神话大王 穿书七零:作精原配能看到弹幕后 混邪无限 盗笔之吴小狗恋爱法则 苏醒后我要搞事了 快穿:男主白月光被死对头宠上天 霍格沃茨:被盯上的黑魔王父子 橙子与热牛奶 
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