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大家在看假面:我继承了门矢士的能力 这间霍格沃茨不太正常 邻家精灵少女不可能是邪神 轮回乐园之旅 斗罗之蚀雷之龙 人在奥特,我的马甲不太对劲 诡秘之主 斗罗:暗影魔镰,开局怒怼玉小刚 我的兄长是先帝 漫威的修仙者 
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I think there should be some rules regarding what can be claimed and what can't. Currently, it is possible to claim around the end portal. Since there are only a limited number of strongholds, it is possible for someone to claim them all and then build boxes around them so that other people can't go visit the end without teleporting to a home or someone else.

Hello everyone!

Nov. 1st, 2020 is the one-year anniversary of Survival season 7.0, so I decided to host a giveaway to celebrate that. The prize is a /disguise perk. It's simple to join this giveaway. Reply to the thread with the information below and you'll be entered!

Your IGN and your discord name (including the tag)

Your acplishments, favorite parts, or good memories in season 7

Your plans for season 8

Make sure to answer all the questions above so that your entry is valid. The giveaway will end on Nov. 1st at 11:59 pm MST. The winner will be chosen randomly.

Good luck everyone :D

It’s hard to believe Survival 7.0 is already almost eight months old. Time flies! It’s time for another reset and a new season to e, so I’m making a Mega Thread.

With the 1.12 update introduced in season 7.0 and the new changes and ideas suggested by the munity, Season 8.0 will definitely be a season to look forward to!

More Focus on the Resources Worlds

Better Economy

Better PvP

More Ways to Play

More Things to Do

This mega thread is a detailed list of changes and new features suggested by the Survival munity (including myself) that I believe could or should be added for Survival season 8.0.

If you have more ideas or would like to add to or change some of the suggestions listed here, please leave a ment. Feedbacks from the munity is always helpful!



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站内强推主母只想摆烂,换亲后在侯府杀疯 外室进府?重生三媒六聘改嫁首辅 踏星 冠世仙龙 只想跟贺先生恋爱 绝世唐门之龙生逍遥 东瀛怪谈创造时 一笔虚妄录 我!黄金渔夫,垂钓全球 横行综武从锦衣卫千户开始 数码宝贝之君临 末日在线 景帝纪事 重生之末世女配囤物资逆袭 无敌机甲 网游之笑闹江湖 斗罗大陆之第一巅峰斗罗 治病加寿:她们都来找我了! 二人森林 执魔 
经典收藏影视穿越从四合院开始 疯了吧,你管这叫检察官 港综:无间道卧底?我不当人了! 清穿之太子宠妃 四合院之从临时工开始崛起 从光字片开始的影视诸天 从影视剧开始做神探 从四合院开始的平淡生活 功德簿·星海 卡牌降临!全球游戏王! 八零:被渣至死后我重生了 赛亚人只是路过而已 [快穿]当反派变成凤 木叶大文豪 流年撷萃 我的躺平日常 星河之痕第二部 重生最强商女:首席,宠上瘾! 鬼寓 来到特别篇的训练家 
最近更新奥特盘点:巨人黑科技,光懵了 绝区零:傲娇艾莲只剩娇 盗墓:团团我啊,是国宝! 我的世界,未来大明 星穹铁道:团宠小姐是美强惨大佬 三生三世梦彻骨 HP:霍格沃茨,但亲世代 我的未婚妻雪之下拼命想逃婚 宝可梦之传奇小智 覃少爷今天也追夫火葬场了吗 星际重生之拐走疯批大佬 浮生旧事记 重回末世:小市民生存日志 神奇宝贝:盘点智爷的最强之路 鉲命的正式结束 人在天龙,姑娘们捡到了我的日记本 重生1962之开局怒扇禽淮茹 不稳定观影报告 奥特乙女:潘多拉魔盒的使命 HP斯教慢慢靠近你 
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